Complicate in a sentence as a verb

I have found out in life that women can also be dependable, fun to hang out with, and not "complicate things.

They're legal contracts that can drastically complicate later bizdev events.

The reason for San Francisco's high rent/home price is very simple, despite how others like to complicate it more:1: Its desirable for most people to live here.

Then to further complicate things, digital microwave, fiber optic, and satellite transmission are all coming to be digital and do not recognize 2600hz for the hang up signal.

At first, I was confused by this statement, given the data..> "...modern medicine may be doing more to complicate the end of life than to prolong or improve it" 1900 65 -> +12 85 -> +4 2007 65 -> +19 85 -> +6 The engineer in me said, but we've improved!

Why complicate the data format and require all that extra logic and gzip would remove most of the redundancy before transmission anyway?Also the name is a bit of an annoying land grab.

It's true that it's good to know how fast typical code runs, but there's another important question: when I run into performance problems and need to optimize a bottleneck, how fast can I make it before I have to resort to non-portable code or C extensions that complicate my build process?

Complicate definitions


make more complicated; "There was a new development that complicated the matter"

See also: perplex


make more complex, intricate, or richer; "refine a design or pattern"

See also: refine rarify elaborate