Completing in a sentence as an adjective

Call it, "completing the pattern of reality"... than I thought it did.

A pay pal transaction not completing due to a network outage is an ops issue not a dev issue. Also, what's the pay?

The more I worried I wasn't completing things the more I stressed myself out and set unrealistic deadlines and then missed them and got upset. Going slow has helped.

Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren't sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better."

The first thing to do is to ask oneself if it's worth completing the project at all. All stakeholders _will_ have to be ready to make some sacrifices; is it worth it?

> Distraction - The fear of missing out on data or other options will deter your users from completing an action. I'm pretty sure this isn't relevant since we support all the above.

Then we have the Register writing flamebait articles with linkbait headlines, completing the circle of worthless blogspam flamebait junk.

The fees for completing your medical course is astronomically high. Capitation fee often runs in crores, the net fee by the time you finish your MD is so high no doubt most doctors have to practically turn into crooks to get something out of it.

Those benefits outweigh the benefits of completing the project faster, but only for projects that have these sorts of overriding concerns. There's more you can do, but those two steps are probably all you need to start consistently landing part-time gigs.

My goal has always been to leave the office as early as humanly possible while still completing the work I had to do that day. We've grown into a culture where the following happens: do decently in highschool -> pick a degree that you hope will pay out but don't really care about -> office life.

My experience with Gobble went as follows: I was going to do their trial but bailed before completing checkout because their terms automatically subscribe you for weekly meals. I got a call a few days later saying that I was being sent the meals anyway and that, also, they weren't sure which meals I was supposed to be sent so they might be wrong.

Second, we are working to integrate the Nokia Devices and Services teams into Microsoft, completing the acquisition announced last September. To win in the higher price tiers with our first-party phone portfolio, we will focus on design and technical innovation.

Many people throughout the world do not have the privilege of completing a college education and it simply cannot be a rule of life that "play" is the operative way of doing things. Hardship and privation are everywhere in many large pockets of the world and people live life doing many things they wouldn't do if they had different circumstances.

You can certainly find better practices in some organizations, but in many organizations, a certain team gets tasked with completing a certain assignment by an arbitrary deadline and no attempt is made to reconcile the triple constraints with reality. In a context like that, developers may not be asked to make estimates, and if they do make estimates they don't believe that they'll be taken seriously.

Quote Examples using Completing

I'm just now completing the task after 9 long months. It seemed like my mind broke, not because it was hard, but because of some other invisible wall. I still don't have the words for it. Writing about other things and reading other writing seemed to be the only thing that helped. It was easy to write about the topics of my expertise, but so much of the book was material that I had only heard of, and had to immerse myself in completely before I could even begin the task of writing. The project was therefore a set of many tasks within tasks. OP writes: > Regardless of whether or not they like or dislike the material, they break the challenge of studying for a test or completing an assignment into small problems, working away until they know, not think, but absolutely know that they are ready.


Completing definitions


acting as or providing a complement (something that completes the whole)

See also: complemental complementary