Compensable in a sentence as an adjective

You can't really get "doctor bears all risk", because no matter how easy it is to punish the doctor, or how extreme the punishments are, the patient is still going to bear the risk of non-compensable injury or death from medical malpractice. > Second of all, it's awfully easy for the patient to decide the doctor should bear all the risk, eh?

Html That's because the “medical establishment” doesn't view vaccines as perfectly safe, but instead that they are viewed as being safe in the same sense as other prescription medicines but, further, than the public health establishment—the relevant part of the government—feels there is sufficient public health benefit from vaccination that even harms which would not compensable for other approved ***** are compensable on a no-fault basis for vaccines, to encourage their use. > and no one in the medical establishment would acknowledge that the only cause of my daughters sickness could have been the vaccines.

Compensable definitions


for which money is paid; "a paying job"; "remunerative work"; "salaried employment"; "stipendiary services"

See also: remunerative salaried stipendiary