Compel in a sentence as a verb

It does not compel ISPs to make those conditions true.

If you do so, can the government compel you to tell them what you have written?

No amount of money will compel me to, quite literally, play with fire.

Second, even if you could imagine such a thing, where a robot would compel you to pay up, or an algorithm would make decisions for you, why in god's name would you even want to?

But it poses a problem for individuals who are swept into its gaping maw - there is zero incentive machinery to compel Google to ever get things corrected.

All states possess an inherent right to self-defense, and we recognize that certain hostile acts conducted through cyberspace could compel actions under the commitments we have with our military treaty partners.

" But even considering all that we have heard about the NSA, this seems absurd, far beyond what they are willing to do, and even if it were true, using free software would not necessarily prevent the US-based host of the download from being similarly compelled.

Had he stayed for six months or a year, he'd have been able to figure out what makes India tick - India is the very embodiment of clever innovation to survive - it will ask you very tough questions and it will compel you to innovate, often rapidly, just in order to survive - not even succeed.

Compel definitions


force somebody to do something; "We compel all students to fill out this form"

See also: oblige obligate


necessitate or exact; "the water shortage compels conservation"