Comparing in a sentence as a noun

You're quite literally comparing the speed of writing to RAM versus the speed of writing to disk.

Posters here comparing it to traditional "space inflation" on drives are missing the point.

Aside from the fact that you're wasting an entire byte of your representation, this means that you can't check for equality by comparing bits.

2: The analysis is comparing student incomes with working incomes.

Likewise, humans don't perceive colors exactly and that might add another layer that would diminish people comparing themselves so much and trying to score points.

I know, because we've done a ton of sophisticated benchmarking comparing custom use case cache performance to general purpose page cache performance.

You say that you are talking about comparing computer programmers as compared to other highly skilled professionals, but then you narrow your focus to the highest percentile in each category.

I would argue that the fact that Apple spent the vast majority of the iPad Mini announcement with a giant picture of the Nexus 7 behind them and comparing/contrasting features would make this article incorrect.

It would be nice if someone got paid to work on this sort of stuff, but users are comparing Firefox to its competition with things like Javascript benchmarks and WebGL conformance, not whether the browser has line numbers in view source.

Why do people put so much effort in comparing tool A to tool B when either of those tools only cover 5% of all the work that goes into any serious application, and the time saved by any advantage tool A has over tool B is pretty much negligible?I mean cool, so Meteor is maybe better for prototyping.

Comparing definitions


the act of examining resemblances; "they made a comparison of noise levels"; "the fractions selected for comparison must require pupils to consider both numerator and denominator"

See also: comparison