Companionship in a sentence as a noun

They missed their children's youth and their partner's companionship.

If you want companionship that at some point get intimate enough to end in sex, date someone.

Why would he force anyone to tag along with him, just based off some temporary notion of companionship?

"There is a struggle -- not speaking for him but for myself -- between wanting companionship and wanting to be alone.

So if the airlines stop offering it, I'm sure some kind of private travel companionship service would develop.

They hunger for more intellectual challenge and more real companionship than their social environment can supply.

I will let them know this in advance, and most of the time they're completely fine with just the brief companionship and otherwise accept my declining their offer.

I'm not a dog person, but a dog might help Xcelerate's father make new friends, or at least acquaintances, as well as providing companionship.

Presumably living on campus isn't a choice that most people make in the first place when they are in long term relationships and/or have regular options of companionship.

Early media studies found people liked the companionship of a radio announcer, and would sometimes have it on just to listen and feel like someone is there with them.

I can imagine that someone on the inside would really value the companionship of a partner with indisputable sincerity.

Desperately lonely divorced Western men spending a fortune on these young foreign girls and boys for companionship and sexual gratification, and the young folks drawn into whoring out their bodies over the internet just to make rent and buy food.

But there was a seriously lonely stretch until I discovered that, and it was all about social intimacy -- not physical, not being among people, but sharing our true selves in conversation and companionship. fixed a minor typo.>

Companionship definitions


the state of being with someone; "he missed their company"; "he enjoyed the society of his friends"

See also: company fellowship society