Communique in a sentence as a noun

Thanks, these should be linked in the communique!

When are we going to lazer a communique to one of the planeted systems?

The rest of the 'ticket' makes things pretty clear that it is not an official communique of the city's.

It's all the same person, all their communique are special to me, medium regardless.

This is definitely a much better communique about how the transition will work.

Perhaps a rethink is needed of bringing the public sentiment into the equation by making this communique open.

> An internal communique obtained by the Globe stated “there were no roles for the vast majority” of workers in corporate functions already filled by ServiceNow.

""n December 2008, al-Awlaki sent a communique to the Somali terrorist group, al-Shabaab, congratulating them.

They're heartily sick of the problem, so the likeliest outcome here is that the EU issues a communique expressing deep concern over Turkey's actions and reiterating its commitment to a peaceful solution, which will have the same effect as all its other communiques about the same issue over the years.

Communique definitions


an official report (usually sent in haste)

See also: dispatch despatch