Commissioning in a sentence as a noun

You are commissioning a band to make new music.

You can say that, but there's no way to prove it short of commissioning a study.

If you want both then you are commissioning two distinct websites.

Does commissioning a custom supercar not count as filthy rich?

Dropped untrained into the deep end commissioning 4100 computers at Elliott Bros near London, and turned out I could swim.

We were our own first customers and sometimes have to restrain ourselves from blowing all our YC money on commissioning our own artists.

" [2][1] It appears they spent something between $250,000 and $1m acquiring rights and commissioning studies for the FDA approval or existing practices.

The closest that you had back then to something like this was commissioning an artist to draw a portrait of yourself, very expensive and out of reach for common people.

There's nothing to prevent the black-hat guys from digging down to a cable in the middle of nowhere and installing an optical tap. Especially if they did it before commissioning, after which signal levels would start being monitored.

At that same time they were commissioning work from multiple developers for the same project at low fees saying: "We'll make it up in royalties", but canceling those versions they didn't like.

Somewhat sadly, it doesn't look like businesses are commissioning such character terminal interfaces any longer.

Google responds by commissioning studies showing the fear is baseless and hires lobbyists to present these findings, along with large checks made out to the reelection campaigns of the legislators in question.

It gets sticky depending where you are, but the sort of copyright law that works for commissioning marketing materials is a lot different than the sort of arrangement software developers should be looking for.

The line I found most insightful: >>"Software is much more intertwined with the institution commissioning it and the people using it ..."Given that, I'm surprised at the emphasis on 'reading' as the primary source of gaining domain knowledge.

There the cost is borne entirely by the one commissioning the work, and if it's an individual, or a small business or startup that has never had to purchase enterprise or custom software, they simply have no analogous experience, with software or anything else, of bearing the entire cost of everything.

Commissioning definitions


the act of granting authority to undertake certain functions

See also: commission