Commemorating in a sentence as an adjective

The question is, what events will people be commemorating in this fashion 50 years from now?

The google doodle commemorating Borges' birthday was inspired by this short story.

If his contribution is not worthy of commemorating on a UK banknote, I don't know whose is.

That looks straight out of the "commemorating another 5 years" token drawer of the BigCorps I worked for.

I am a Moroccan and in 4 days we are commemorating the attacks on a hotel in Casablanca that killed, you guessed it, muslims.

I don't need to see a clever flash game commemorating something-or-other every time I open a new tab when I'm working, thanks.

There were places in the world commemorating those times when wizards hadnt been quite as clever as that, and on many of them the grass would never grow again.- Terry Pratchett

It's not an arbitrary "30 years of personal computing"... it's commemorating a watershed moment.

As that article points out, all the Southern states that started flying that Confederate flag for the first time in the 50s and 60s in response to the civil rights movement claimed to be commemorating the civil war too. So it'd be hard for Apple to come up with a rule that excluded racists who were using it as an anti-civil-rights symbol but not actual civil war stuff, and they tend to err on the side of banning everything.

"When I'm on *** and hearing something that's pure rhythm, it takes me to another world and into anther brain state where I've stopped thinking and started knowing," Kevin Herbert told Wired magazine at a symposium commemorating Hofmann's one hundredth birthday.

Commemorating definitions


intended as a commemoration; "a commemorative plaque"

See also: commemorative