Comfortably in a sentence as an adverb

In other words: "**** off if you're too old to comfortably read 10 pt type.

I want all this so that I can quickly scan and comfortably read my code.

Right now, I'd say my team and I live comfortably, but it's still a lot of stress day-to-day.

Support them comfortably for the rest of their lives, retrain the ones who wish to be retrained.

Their goal is to create a good product that helps people and allows the founders to live comfortably and be happy with their work.

They scramble to rewrite their old systems into systems that can live comfortably on a network.

Where he went from being a passionately engaged team member to being a comfortably-paid code monkey.

Most of us could earn enough money to support our family comfortably in a relatively regular 9 - 5 job.

The "value of money" for an individual begins to diminish quickly once it surpasses the quantity required to comfortably survive.

I don't have anything to say- but just wanted to post to say that you have no requirement whatsoever to defend your life circumstances to complete strangers on the internet for whom it is very easy to judge you, comfortably behind their screens.

I've been studying sightings and evidence as a hobby for many years, and based on credible eye-witness testimony I'm comfortably convinced that the United States government knows a lot more about intermittent atmospheric phenomenon than they are letting on.

Exceptions if it is really arterial bleeding of cash, or some legal problems which expose you to ongoing civil or criminal liability, but if it's just the cost of a few EC2 instances, there is no excuse for not keeping it running until users have all comfortably migrated away.

Comfortably definitions


in mental comfort; without stress; "he works comfortably on three continents"


in physical comfort; "she could have been lying comfortably in bed getting the same relief"


in financial comfort; "They live well"; "she has been able to live comfortably since her husband died"

See also: well