Comfortableness in a sentence as a noun

The only thing I could think of is the comfortableness of the seat and the amount of leg space.

Why I need to be comfortable with social company if my predisposed nature and comfortableness is to be alone ?

I think it's something about the long drives and the mountains that keeps up a love of open spaces and a comfortableness with being alone and out of range of emergency responders.

But no one was tapping on the screen and looking at it to interact with it …I would personally argue that I’m unsure about the connection between weight and comfortableness and the tolerances.

Sure, but if you base your comfortableness with giving the access to your property to someone, not on their rental history, or credit info or interview, but on the fact that they are say, black, you are discriminating, and you are probably a racist.

Comfortableness definitions


a state of being relaxed and feeling no pain; "he is a man who enjoys his comfort"; "she longed for the comfortableness of her armchair"

See also: comfort


a feeling of being at ease in a relationship