Collusive in a sentence as an adjective

The only real power that can fight this kind of collusive power is that of public opinion.

That there an no examples of non-collusive cartels in markets where buyers react faster than sellers?

Actual poaching is illegal, conversely anti-"poaching" pacts are collusive and illegal.

Or do you mean, when Apple buys their way into a collusive agreement with a monopoly provider giving them preferential access?

Its disgusting to see that in this day and age that large companies can be actively engaged in such collusive anti-competitive practices.

Because this idiotic scheme is tax-advantaged, it incentivizes the creation of a bizarre slush fund with warped, collusive prices.

In contemporary VC-istan, no one gets a 3rd startup, thanks to the collusive and almost certainly illegal reputation economy that exists there.

It was this government entity which allowed railroad companies, through law, to eliminate competition and screw the consumer by raising rates in a collusive manner.

Collusive definitions


acting together in secret toward a fraudulent or illegal end

See also: conniving