Colleague in a sentence as a noun

It's too easy to ask a colleague "where is X?

I wish Google would use a strategy that a former colleague used in an upper year Physics course.

Can I combine it with anything else that I enjoy, like by getting a friend/colleague to look at it?

So the project manager wanted my colleague the program manager to fill out the form instead.

My colleague zwarich aptly said that "this changes our type inference algorithm from a master's thesis to a blog post".

My teaching would be better if my program were big enough that I had a colleague to confer with each week, or especially each day.

Many years ago a colleague, Steve Holtzman, suddenly discovered he had colon cancer.

That appears to work like a denial of service attack on my brain - I was sitting here quite hypnotized until a colleague asked me what on earth I was doing.

Of course as a colleague of mine likes to say, "that train has sailed" [sic].One thing I that makes me chuckle is thinking back to the prices paid on secondary markets pre-IPO.

When is the last time you heard of a system administrator writing down problems on a whiteboard as opposed to asking a colleague or Googling the answer?

I performed what is apparently called a 'shoryuken' by a colleague when I became incensed over the fire alarm screaming out over a fried egg I had allowed to smoke.

I remember a colleague who’s relationship was starting to get serious had a couple of reservations as, “She’s got some issues.”My response was, “Everybody’s got baggage.

I hate to draw the comparison, but it reminds me even more of this:""What no one seemed to notice," said a colleague of mine, a philologist, "was the ever widening gap, after 1933, between the government and the people.

Hershey's advocates will tell you that late one night, after many failed attempts he & his colleague John Shmalbach discovered just the right slow evaporation of non-fat milk that produced a creamy, faintly bitter chocolate.

My colleague beside me, a program manager of another program, turned to me exasperated when one of the Indian project managers in her program couldn't figure out how to fill out a project change request template.

The word that, should your colleague choose to pursue it, will lead him down the same rabbit hole to a universe filled with infinite combinations of infinite possibilities to produce a form of hyper-efficiency previously attainable only in his wildest of dreams.

My colleague told him that he had no foolproof way to show that it was the other student that plagiarized the assignment and that the best method to prevent another zero being given was to not allow other students to plagiarize his assignment - if indeed this is what had happened.

Colleague definitions


an associate that one works with

See also: co-worker workfellow


a person who is member of one's class or profession; "the surgeon consulted his colleagues"; "he sent e-mail to his fellow hackers"

See also: confrere fellow