Coherent in a sentence as an adjective

After a year of regular *** use he was unable to form a coherent sentence.

The arguments against software patents are strong and coherent.

This encourages people to get to know each other and participate in a coherent discussion that spans beyond 24 hours.

That's been tightened up - many of their products are now substantially better; there's a coherent account and profile system in place; the weak products have been culled.

But everyone I worked with at the FSF, including me, kind of went off in various incoherent directions -- doing what we guessed would help and that seemed interesting to us.

Even when they hold essentially the same views as I do, it's often for bad reasons; there isn't really a coherent thought process or a body of evidence that got them to that point.

I'm going to go back to playing the piano and talking with whomever is coherent enough to hold a conversation, and tomorrow, we'll laugh about all the stupid **** you won't remember doing.

It takes the ability to internalize massive amounts of detail, organize it into some coherent frame work and then communicate that framework as needed to various levels in the language they understand.

The added narrative was mostly connecting prose, meant to keep the story more coherent, and one full chapter replacing a version that was hopelessly out of date compared to the rest of the updates his father had added over decades.

Removing the ability to have threads will force people to pay attention to who they're talking to and have a coherent discussions instead of snarky oneliners.- Moderators need to be able to lock down threads that are getting out of control.- When the article is off the front page, the discussion quickly dies off with it.

How many developers will be willing to accept that position?Do Google really think they can create a thriving ecosystem and market if they start throwing around inconsistent and conflicting rules and enforcement around apps?Yes, inconsistent enforcement sort of worked for Apple, but they at least had a coherent platform.

There is a huge difference between low-quality video/audio recording of a prof mumbling for an hour and post-processed, perfected snippets of videos presented in a coherent fashion, and most importantly with supplementary materials that encourage people to actually apply their knowledge and get feedback.

Coherent definitions


marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts; "a coherent argument"

See also: consistent logical ordered


capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner; "a lucid thinker"; "she was more coherent than she had been just after the accident"

See also: logical lucid


(physics) of waves having a constant phase relation


sticking together; "two coherent sheets"; "tenacious burrs"

See also: tenacious