Cogwheel in a sentence as a noun

Just click the little cogwheel thing and it should be there.

It's "cogwheel", and your dong is backward -- very 4chan, that.

It was hidden as 4th option from top menu under small settings cogwheel on bottom.

Now, I believe everyone has their roles to play a part in the whole machinery of 'the cogwheel'.

Then found out a plastic cogwheel worth maybe 10c for controlling a valve in the intake manifold was broken.

Or, on the Android notification panel, how the cogwheel rolls away as it fades out.

Or is it just perception?I mean, at the end you are just a little cogwheel in some big corporation anyway.

In your Inbox, click on the cogwheel on the right-hand top corner and select the second option "Display density".

Quality control is such an important cogwheel of processes in many other industries, yet I don't hear much talk of it in relation to medical profession.

> To be on the safe side, you can disable the relevant function in Kaspersky's software: Click the cogwheel icon in the bottom left corner of the main window, then click Additional/Network.

Cogwheel definitions


a toothed wheel that engages another toothed mechanism in order to change the speed or direction of transmitted motion

See also: gear