Cogitation in a sentence as a noun

Washing the dishes requires paying attention but not much in the way of cogitation.

' You cannot deny that numbers are in that sense competent – ''To express cogitation, yes!

But to express cogitations is not to perform them, or else quills and printing-presses would write poetry by themselves.

The absolute state of Twitter says everything about the cogitation required to type: none at all.

But if some Sloan School professors complained that it was disturbing their cogitations, it immediately stopped and Phys.

No amount of philosophical cogitation is going to cover up that unhappiness long-term for most people.

It's very easy to define intelligence in terms of solving elementary cogitation tasks and this is what we are doing writ-large.

''Bacon said, ‘Whatever has sufficient differences, perceptible by the sense, is in nature competent to express cogitations.

My peers today that blurt every cogitation out on Facebook and Twitter have no ability to comprehend the use of privacy until they feel they desperately need it.

The best definition I've encountered is that an intellectual tries to find solutions to the world's problems through cogitation alone, without reference to experiment or other experience.

Let us not forget: There are plenty of people out there for whom the Earth is, yeah, okay, round, not really because of some deeply held conviction or as a result of some deep cogitation on the subject, but simply because they have been told.

A portrait of Jesus being crucified from the 16th century is apparently a contemplation for kitsch and fetishism and Olympia is a cogitation for evocative postmodernism?

Cogitation definitions


a carefully considered thought about something; "his cogitations were dutifully recorded in his daybook"


attentive consideration and meditation; "after much cogitation he rejected the offer"

See also: study