Coerce in a sentence as a verb

For starters, Jobs is trying to coerce a non-compete clause out of Colligan.

Nobody else on the planet has the ability to bribe or coerce equipment and software makers like the NSA.

It just so happens that whitespace coerces to NaN, whereas alphabetical characters coerce to 0.

Wow, so "threatened legal action to coerce illegal activity" is "offering an agreement" now?

Instead, if they are unhappy with coerced actions, they can only blame the politician being coerced instead of being able to blame the people pulling the strings.

So how to eliminate the whitespace?For this, we can make use of JS's broken isNaN global function, which coerces its argument to a number before doing its test.

Its also people who poison their kids making meth at home, and people who coerce addicted women into prostitution using the promise of the next hit. Criminalization may be the wrong solution to it, but that doesn't mean its not a real social problem.

The more transparent, flat, and distributed an organization, the harder it is to secretly coerce into cooperating with the NSA.

But those provocations are just as coercive as the genetic abnormalities that allow environments to coerce living cells into cancer.

But do most Americans think it is reasonable to coerce elected officials or other countries using any information gathered by the NSA?

They are threatening to remove some economic benefit that is completely unrelated to the issue at hand to coerce the Ecuadorean government to fall in line.

If you are a team lead and identify someone like this on your team then it can be very difficult to place them and you often have to gently coerce them into their own "special" area where they feel their talents are best used.

And then, too often, it's a decline into an unorganized mess, forced integration among scattered products and tools, and an increasing use of entrenched market power to coerce the response that they can no longer inspire.

This is one of the questions I most want to see asked: "General Keith B. Alexander, has the NSA ever wittingly used collected information on any foreigner elected to office by his or her citizens to coerce or blackmail that duly elected official to pursue policies that may not be in the interest of the citizens that elected them?

With the social pressure from their friends to consume our product mounting, the selfish, penniless teenagers will be forced to either get part-time jobs, or coerce their parents into buying the [product] for them, because the primary option is temporarily unavailable.> So, let's add DRM to our product.

Coerce definitions


to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :"She forced him to take a job in the city"; "He squeezed her for information"

See also: hale squeeze pressure force