Codification in a sentence as a noun

It does also codify it, but codification isn't the heart of what's different.

Most people think of language as a dictionary of words -- but it's really the codification of a culture.

" I was out from under the parents' roof by the time things went to 75, but I know my own highway averages went up with the codification of 75 mph.

Eich wasn't ousted for a belief, he was ousted for directly pushing for the codification of discrimination.

Government in many ways reflects a codification of societal rules and structures, and sometimes the power centers that enforce those rules need shaking up.

In 17 USC 109 which limits copyright holder rights and is the codification of the first sale doctrine, all of the limitations listed apply only to works subject to that phrase.

It predates its US First Amendment codification by several hundred years and is also legally expressed in many other countries.

That is true because the number of unjust codifications was hitherto relatively small and errors by justice where statistically the exception, not the norm.

I could argue that anyone who supports any special legal recognition of "marriage" is directly pushing for the codification of discrimination.

I think one of the problems is that professional licensure of software engineering would require the codification and legalization of a set of knowledge and standard agreed upon.

Codification definitions


the act of codifying; arranging in a systematic order


a set of rules or principles or laws (especially written ones)

See also: code