Coating in a sentence as a noun

In short, I see no reason to force sugar coating on HN.

"\""This is just sugar coating for the **** they're covering.

The screen is higher resolution, has a better coating, and is touch.

Bluing steel turns the coating of the steel in magnetite, Fe3O4, which is a semiconductor.

We don't need sugar-coating, we just need people to practice basic manners and remember the Golden Rule.

I realized this a couple years ago and, when talking to other founders, I just stopped sugar coating things about my situation.

I do not know the working of this coating particularly, but it seems to be superhydrophobic.

In addition, to become truly airborne, the virus would have to mutate it's outer coating to resist the drying effect of the air.

They spent years in prison before it was determined that it was a false positive caused by the coating of a popular brand of playing card.

The problem he had was although the powder component did exactly as it said on the tin, he had found no way of applying a lasting coating.

Consider the characteristics of the phosphor coating and the persistence time between refreshes.

Another facile "ooh, different language/cultures are so very different" story, coating a nugget of truth in a thick layer of ********.

But of course there are a lot of patents..I have no idea if Nissan found a way to make a cost effective, self cleansing film coating that can stand the test of gravel, acid, and time.

I was hoping they had some novel surface protectant they would pull out and say "sure, this would be bad with ordinary glass, but we've got this special coating that is cheap to produce and will change materials science and we're putting it through final testing now." But no, they literally intend to do this with off-the-shelf tech, appeal to a hardness argument that wouldn't pass a high school chemistry test, and brand everybody who disagrees with them as "irresponsibly misleading" "naysayers".

This was posted in the comments section of the article:>I'm Dave Smith, and I just want to clarify that we make the coating from materials that are not just FDA approved, but that we actually eat on a regular basis in much larger quantities than could possibly be released from the coating.

Coating definitions


a thin layer covering something; "a second coat of paint"

See also: coat


a decorative texture or appearance of a surface (or the substance that gives it that appearance); "the boat had a metallic finish"; "he applied a coat of a clear finish"; "when the finish is too thin it is difficult to apply evenly"

See also: finish finishing


a heavy fabric suitable for coats


the work of applying something; "the doctor prescribed a topical application of iodine"; "a complete bleach requires several applications"; "the surface was ready for a coating of paint";

See also: application covering