Clutter in a sentence as a noun

What's wrong with clutter in an advanced tab?

People, it turns out, hated intrusive ads, popup ads, and ad clutter in general.

I'll admit that this benefit may not have been anywhere near worth the added clutter and screen space, but it was good for something.

I'm of the opinion that it's needless, manipulative clutter.

I think it's funny that Apple markets itself as simplifying and reducing wires and reducing clutter... but boy, they like adaptors!

Clutter in a sentence as a verb

I hate all the visual clutter and unjustified complexity the new stylish iOS-like interfaces bring.

The flat aesthetic magnifies any clutter, because objects and shapes don't communicate their "possession" as much, so having too many pieces on the page at once doesn't work.

I'm downvoting you because this method of cherry-picking large quotes or abstracts out of citations makes for a lot clutter but you don't actually offer us any synthesis.

It's additional mental clutter to have to remember the way to specify input from a file in addition to stdin when I know I can always cat the file and pipe it to whatever command I want.

Just focus on most frequent sites and autocomplete, it feels like the presentation is just burying lots of the clutter that used to take up GUI space in the amazebar.- please don't default to a "downloads" folder.

Clutter definitions


a confused multitude of things

See also: jumble muddle fuddle welter smother


unwanted echoes that interfere with the observation of signals on a radar screen


fill a space in a disorderly way