Clutches in a sentence as a noun

They don't have to worry about things like gearboxes or clutches.

DCTs are very much manual transmissions, but many of them rely on a TCM to disengage the clutches.

Sometimes people do things that are against their own interests because they are in the clutches of an addiction.

For example, near the top "that’s when those Danes have us in their whimsical Scandinavian clutches forever".

But to think that just one gullible person might fall into the clutches of Scientology because of this, really does bother me.

If you already have a well established web app and you are planning on get off the clutches of Oracle, MariaDB is your easy choice.

The clutches or carpets or the wooden elephants are made specially for foreign tourists and are freakingly overpriced.

They didn't make the decision to use an extender like Volt which requires three hydraulic clutches 3. They extend the range through super chargers 4. They are aiming at the right target group 5.

So there's interesting political issues where any group of modern "pilgrims" can at will escape the clutches of the evil empire.

Unlike China, India is a democratic country and its media is independent from the clutches of the higher authority.

"Probably not, but that is because men aren't trying to release themselves from the clutches of institutional harassment and marginalization in tech.

Not sure how many layers of paranoiac overanalysis I'm applying here, but letting Snowden fall into the clutches of Russian intelligence may be a far better deterrent to future leakers than a 'clean' prosecution and imprisonment here in the US.

Clutches definitions


the act of grasping; "he released his clasp on my arm"; "he has a strong grip for an old man"; "she kept a firm hold on the railing"

See also: clasp clench clutch grasp grip hold