Climate in a sentence as a noun

[Discussion note: the validity of climate change has nothing to do with my point here.

Any program that passes itself off as "secure" and is closed source, in this climate, is immediately suspect.

He eats meat, which has a vast footprint in terms of land, water and energy use. How minimal is a lifestyle that leads to irrevocable climate change?

I'm observing that comments about the NSA are entirely apropos given the current climate we live in.

You can point out that I'm sitting in climate-controlled car, listening to a podcast, drinking coffee, having a better time than 99% of humans throughout history.

Here is more of that paragraph:"Yet the state of the electric car is dismal, the victim of hyped expectations, technological flops, high costs and a hostile political climate.

In the same way, I wouldn't expect a technical article reporting measurements of carbon flow in the environment to be published in a political science journal, even though climate change might have profound implications for global politics.

"Which is to say, if I hear someone apologizing for the weather, one likely presumption would be that they're just assuming fault as a matter of etiquette, or some latent self-hating tendency... but another, more interesting, possibility is that they're apologizing for not having gotten around to the step in their world domination plans where they build a global climate-regulation system yet. Because they would if they could, they will as soon as they can, and it's only their own laziness and ignorance of proper power/wealth/intelligence-bootstrapping methods preventing them from being there already.

Proper Noun Examples for Climate

This is exactly why I think the debate should be less about "how can we as humans stop affecting Earth's natual climate" and "how can we as humans gain control over Earth's natural climate".Climate change happens with us or without us.

Climate definitions


the weather in some location averaged over some long period of time; "the dank climate of southern Wales"; "plants from a cold clime travel best in winter"

See also: clime


the prevailing psychological state; "the climate of opinion"; "the national mood had changed radically since the last election"

See also: mood