Clerisy in a sentence as a noun

The article is demarcating who this clerisy are and aren't so that there is a common language for Quilletians to work out what to think and then do about them.

The ambitious gentry and clerisy who see themselves sliding down the social ladder attempt to revolt and are usually crushed.

I don't really see it.> No president has ever incurred the wrath of the clerisy—the media, the entertainment industry, academia—more than Donald Trump.

This “neo-clerisy” thing to me smacks of tribalism dressed up, ironically, as public intellectualism.

I think the modern term for the clerisy is the Professional Managerial Class or “PMC” — and the definition of the working class has been expanded to include “service industry” workers.

It very much complicates his story to realize that his supposed victims are in fact profiting handsomely and generally cause much pain to the supposedly superior "clerisy".

In the grand-master commentary room, where chesss clerisy gather to analyze play, the experts did not even consider several of Carlsens moves during his game with Kramnik until they saw them and realized they were perfect.

In general, sometimes for the same and sometimes for different reasons, elites in the corporate world and also members of the "clerisy" both desire a breakdown of traditional society to further their own agendas.

Clerisy definitions


an educated and intellectual elite

See also: intelligentsia