Clarify in a sentence as a verb

Which is better, of course, but I wouldn't rely on it until they clarify how they calculate.

To clarify, this result means that there are infinitely many pairs of primes separated by at most 600.

If we can't do this ourselves for art, what about when there's real pressure?Update: to clarify, there's nothing unusual about this and there far worse examples all the time.

Just wanted to clarify for anyone getting excited that they can now run their Fortune 500 website on a single AWS Micro that there are nasty surprises lurking just under the surface.

I think that it actually has tended to clarify thinking about security so that fewer and fewer engineers are able to delude themselves into trusting something that they know deep down is really untrustworthy.

Clarify definitions


make clear and (more) comprehensible; "clarify the mystery surrounding her death"

See also: elucidate


make clear by removing impurities or solids, as by heating; "clarify the butter"; "clarify beer"