Claptrap in a sentence as a noun

This utopian claptrap shows how out of touch nerds have become with reality.

I stopped being surprised that people actually believe such "claptrap" long ago, but am still amused by it.

Not to mention wrapping the whole thing in pseudoscientific claptrap.

What's fascinating to me is that he ended the piece with a bunch of lolbertarian claptrap.

I hope HN'ers are more optimistic than listening to this claptrap and believing any of it.

I know I can't win an argument using logic with a zealot, but seriously, let's stop with the "trust in him" claptrap.

Now, that's what "typical libertarian claptrap" looks like.

What claptrap do you have to explain every other ******* country banning opium?

You dismiss his entire experience as "claptrap" and then sarcastically suggest he go on a killing spree?

Either way, aside from a good spanking, the best thing my parents ever did for me was ignore me a lot. I probably would have turned out to be diagnosed with "ADD" or some other claptrap if they hadn't.

"I really can't believe the Washington Post lets her write this alarmist claptrap without pointing out the conflict of interest.

People who work hard to make a dent in the universe will anyway, and people who just mess around don't really get much done at work anyway, so why keep up the charade?This is typical libertarian claptrap, from the Skilled White Male litany.

Wackiness ensuedNow repeat that for each minor bit-player in the Asian printer mech market, all of whom were hoping to strike it big by convincing Atari that their bare-bones claptrap should be the winner in the race to the bottom.- There was a color printer that rotated ballpoint pens in a holder and drew vectors.

Claptrap definitions


pompous or pretentious talk or writing

See also: bombast fustian rant blah