Clamshell in a sentence as a noun

I bet it fires the "clamshell closed" event.

If you see a cover clamshell on someone's macbook, he/she blew it"

I miss clamshell phones. I miss the satisfaction of ending a call by folding the phone shut.

Well, time to chuck this inconvenient clamshell POS and get an Android tablet to do some actual work on.

* LG panel ghosting: I had my clamshell replaced a few months ago. There was a new part number, it has been officially "fixed."

It's quite possible this model is more profitable at a lower price point than the standard clamshell DS.

It collect inside the SSD's plastic clamshell and shorts some of the pins. They failed to seal it and failed to include a desiccant in that space, or just pot in the whole thing in epoxy.

However the mid 2000s were the period of the highly successful Razr series which is still the #1 clamshell phone to date in terms of sales numbers. The very first Android phones weren't that bad either.

At $70 a month a single iPhone could put food on your table, or the money you save by downgrading to a clamshell "stupid phone" could help pay off the credit card. Money doesn't solve money management problems.

Other vendors are content to stamp out the same old plastic clamshell, to fit in the same old motherboard and optical drive, whatever's cheapest and quickest. With the exception of Sony and HP, few companies even try to do what Apple's doing.

When I use the keyboard i'm sitting down for 'serious work' anyway, so a bit bigger wouldn't matter; 20 hours battery life + a real programmers keyboard in a clamshell would rock.

It also solves a major problem I had with the original clamshell prototype – it was a real pain to access the hardware for hacking, as it’s blocked by the keyboard mounting plate. The point of the thing is to be easily modified, and the design facilitates that.

There were some real practical inventions in the book including a lamp that would mechanically dim, alternating fountains, and a clamshell grab. Eighty of these devices were described as "trick vessels" that showed a real mastery of mechanics, with a real focus on the use of light pressure.

> The ''L'' shaped conductor covers the Ethernet and the Firewire port completely on the Macbook Pro if any type of protective cover-clamshell is installed on the 15 or 17'' designs. Reason being, the ''L'' shaped conductor hugs the body so closely it cannot establish a connection if 3/64" clearance is not provided...

Presentations: Even though the amount of work to transfer a presentation to an iPad is reasonably small it's still more work than unplugging your laptop, shutting the clamshell and carrying it to the conference room. Plus, in my experience most people finish their presentations about 30 seconds before the meeting anyway.

Luckily, when I took it in to get the entire upper clamshell replaced, there was a new part number in stock literally the day before that had apparently resolved the problem. I've purchased a dozen or so MacBooks since the original Unibody and countless iPhones, iPads and other minor Apple products it is my opinion that engineering quality has gone down over the past two years considerably.

The AE 34/40 was the first what we'd identify as a modern phone in appearance, the WE 500/1500/2500, is so iconic that anyone could identify it as a telephone, it also was a huge leap forward in transmission quality, and the StarTac was the first of billions of clamshell phone, the thing most identifiable as a cell phone to anyone shown an abstract drawing. I'd argue that the 500 is more iconic however than anything to come before or after it.

Clamshell definitions


the shell of a clam


a dredging bucket with hinges like the shell of a clam

See also: grapple