Cladding in a sentence as a noun

Even brick cladding on wooden frames tends to fall off and hit people on the head.

James Hardie was behind one of the **** systems of cladding I believe.

I had a custom jewelist take the cladding off a simple band of white gold.

The one that stands out to me was pin hole corrosion through the cladding on the top of a reactor vessel.

Probably due to large areas of steel cladding and RC slabs acting like a faraday cage. open-source BigDog with a locked bootloader, and green felt outer cladding.

* The awful body cladding was determined by the pre-existing sheet metal.

A bomb blast engineer to model the effects of various bomb attack scenarios on the cladding and structure.

Yes, in fact the cladding system will have been designed by specialist facade engineers, so they are probably at least partly to blame for this.

A facade engineer who specialises in problems specifically to do with the design of the glass cladding system.

Are there any running fusion experiments that use internal boron carbide cladding to shield the vacuum chamber walls?

If that was available for a siding material or for fascia cladding, it would be >100 year longevity.

Most fusion reactor designs intend the vast majority of those neutrons to be absorbed by a cladding of lithium for tritium breeding.

If you keep it reasonably cool, like under red hot, it makes a great nuclear fuel rod protective cladding, assuming you refine out the hafnium which does little good in a fuel rod.

And yes, the walls and the extraction system end up radioactive, and now you have this huge radioactive mass to take care of somehow, instead of tiny pellets of spent fuel in their cladding.

It is significant because it serves as an unmistakable indicator that the cladding for the rods has melted, meaning that should any containment fail now, the results would be catastrophic.

> surely residents wouldn't have rejected the installation of an adequate sprinkler systemPossibly their idea was that if they allowed the sprinkler system they would have to give up on preventing the cladding.

If you made an indestructible fuel that didn't need cladding, then you'd either have wear issues on whatever it touches and/or processing/reprocessing would be terribly difficult dangerous and expensive and contamination issues so you'd just be moving the location of the accident, not reducing the rate of accidents.

However, one theory does describe it as follows:"However, the sheer force of the second explosion, and the ratio of xenon radioisotopes released during the event, indicate that the second explosion could have been a nuclear power transient; the result of the melting core material, in the absence of its cladding, water coolant and moderator, undergoing runaway prompt criticality similar to the explosion of a fizzled nuclear weapon.

Cladding definitions


a protective covering that protects the outside of a building

See also: facing