City in a sentence as a noun

Which is to say, the entire city is a single, long, winding road.

Furthermore it is not correlated with the perceived wealth of a city or town.

I'll go as far as to say that New Delhi is possibly the most horrible city in India when it comes to these things.

They got to ask the government what they are doing to protect them from these 'evil immigrants who come into New Delhi and ruin our fair city'.

In other news, 23andMe introduced relative finder not long ago. I hadn't logged on in over 2 years after I did it with a groupon promo, but I had a public profile with my name and city.

The most popular format right now is to build a city with no intersections, since the AI deals so spectacularly poorly with them.

Their annual operating budget is, what, the size of the school districts in one midsize US city or the IT department of a single large bank?

Every large city center is equipped with camera's with powerful microphones.

" For clarification, I asked if it was a city, state, or national law, and the officers adamantly maintained that it was a state law.

I'd like to fix that, mostly by creating a public policy around municipally owned Layer 1 infrastructure between customers in their cities and a city exchange building.

Similar to employee reward schemes that employees learn to manipulate in a way that is detrimental to the business or cobra bounties intended to reduce the number of snakes in a city leading to backyard cobra farms.

But here in the USA, once you factor the need to carry back all the stuff we buy at Costco, you can see how the extra capacity of a carrier battle group would actually save you trips and, in the long run, be more efficient than a smaller vehicle.

Now, if youre not from the USA, I can already hear you objecting that its impractical to drive a small fleet of ocean-going vessels on suburban streets, or that its wasteful to retain a staff of thousands just to make the daily commute, or that its not all that great, environment-wise, to knock over city blocks every time I make a Starbucks run.

City definitions


a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts; "Ancient Troy was a great city"

See also: metropolis


an incorporated administrative district established by state charter; "the city raised the tax rate"


people living in a large densely populated municipality; "the city voted for Republicans in 1994"

See also: metropolis