Cislunar in a sentence as an adjective

With "well, we can put propellant in cislunar space so we can do stuff on the moon."

No need to do that - Ceres is a water world and you can haul it into cislunar space from there.

I'm hoping a whole economy in cislunar space will eventually take off. That would go a long way towards making servicing Mars cheaper, too.

We'll need to develop that capability anyway, if we want a cislunar space economy.

Nah, we just need to bootstrap a cislunar economy. There's plenty of resources to use upwell, more than there ever were on Earth - but we need to seed the infrastructure for turning them into useful goods, and make it self-sustaining.

Mars is a more interesting scientific target; cislunar space is a more interesting industrial target. Mars is where we should explore; Earth-Moon system is where we should expand to and build permanent space presence.

Robotics still ain't good enough to make it work alone, we'll need manned missions to establish a manufacturing-based economy in cislunar space, if we want to get anything done this century. Risky, manned missions, that in time will yield good profits.

Expanding Earth's economic sphere to all of cislunar space necessarily expands the resources and energy available to human industry. There will be returns, and the economy will expand.

I'm strongly in the "humanity spacefaring" camp, especially that once some sort of permanent industrial presence is established in the cislunar space, we will be able to build large telescopes in orbit or on the Moon. > IMO you did not convince me that the reason we don't have tons of space telescopes is the launch price.

Rockets are improving such that human trips to space stations from Earth could be economical, but a cislunar robotic presence must be able to sustain activities beyond there. This is the only option for saving the planet, and we are lucky that the richest person on the planet shares the view that Earth should be light industrial and residential...

With trillions of $ invested globally towards space commerce, the US is now preparing for cislunar leadership recognising that space will become a "war-faring domain." The race is officially on for humans to become a multi-planetary spacefaring civilisation and star wars inevitable.

Also, cislunar space is much easier than colonising the planets, which is in turn orders of magnitude easier than colonising other star systems — even if you can find enough people to do it, which is hard because why would Joe or Jane Average want to go to a deep space colony where ping-time is measured in years at best, or dozens of geological epochs at worst?

Cislunar definitions


situated between the earth and the moon

See also: sublunar sublunary