Circuitous in a sentence as an adjective

It's not that special, and they took one **** of a circuitous route to fix their bug.

Yes, it works and it's short, but it's sorta hacky, sorta circuitous.

And if thats the case, how well is that circuitous business model working out?

It gets a bit circuitous because Rails is hosted on GitHub and GitHub is a Rails app.

That's a fairly circuitous route, but I guess they didn't want the pizza to be too hot when it landed.

Thus arriving, via the most circuitous and expensive plausible path, right back at the problem we have today.

But, given the "Rube Goldberg" layout of the old factory, it took Irving half an hour on a circuitous route to get from A to B. And they realized: Irving & his trip was the missing secret ingredient.

It made solving the traveling salesman problem... I mean planning circuitous routes easier.

Given that most of these browsers are open-source, isn't this a somewhat circuitous way of going about the investigation?

And occasionally I mix it up, and then my college friends think I'm a rude *******, or Hacker News thinks I'm overly circuitous and can't get to the point.

Perhaps surprisingly, even this circuitous measurement offers sufficient\nsignal-to-noise ratio for the key extraction attack.

You can't see something ingenious with probably illiterate people using a different base to multiply numbers?While it's a nice trick, it's a circuitous route to get to the answer, and requires considerably more stones than the number you're trying to count to.

It may lead to some soul-searching in the CDS market.---So the financial instruments designed to insure against default are being bypassed by deliberately circuitous arrangements and language, to the point that people are wondering what they are even for anymore?

Quote Examples using Circuitous

Safer cabs a. mechanical inspections b. limited hours - safer driver 2. Prevent price gouging 3. Prevent circuitous routing 4.


Circuitous definitions


marked by obliqueness or indirection in speech or conduct; "the explanation was circuitous and puzzling"; "a roundabout paragraph"; "hear in a roundabout way that her ex-husband was marrying her best friend"

See also: roundabout


deviating from a straight course; "a scenic but devious route"; "a long and circuitous journey by train and boat"; "a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic"

See also: devious roundabout