Ciliary in a sentence as an adjective

Which makes sense, the whole point is to ease work for the ciliary muscles and allow them to fully relax. That happens by de-flexing the lens...

Look outside the window if you want to relax your ciliary muscle. You also want your center of vision to receive ample light and contrast so you can read easier.

They'll let your ciliary muscle relax by making your screen seem to be at optical infinity. If you already have glasses, just take your prescription and throw +2 or so SPH on there.

How do you deal with ciliary muscle exhaustion from staring at a computer screen for extended periods?

The muco-ciliary escalator usually takes care of that.

For mice, it comes down to Nodal flow from ciliary movement that occurs around E8. The cilia rotate clockwise to generate leftward flow to establish a gradient to generate left-right asymmetry.

We unconsciously contract the ciliary muscles in our eyes to change the shape of the lens so that it focuses light at different distances. It's very similar to adjusting the focus ring on a camera or binoculars.

The working understanding is that these are ultimately ciliary dysfunctions in utero which cause aberrant gradients for body patterning.

Relaxing the ciliary muscle actually increases the focal distance, so I don't see how muscle-oriented exercises would help. > in fact, that's a part of what happens when you get atropine drops during an eye exam Even a fully paralyzed ciliary muscle cannot overcome a wrong geometry of your eye.

The ciliary malfunction causes the situs inversus in embryonic development by swishing your chemical development signals the wrong direction

Effectively paralyzes the ciliary muscles by blocking muscarinic receptors. This enables an ophtalmologist to measure the "true" refractive error of the eye.

> our eyes 'explore' the visual field through quick movements and readjustments and this process inherently locks together the proprioceptive signals from the ciliary and ocular muscles to the stream of information from the retina. By only providing screens, we can't simulate this process in a natural way and our body will detect it.

As far as medical breakthroughs it seems like low hanging fruit and most people over the age of 45 could benefit from such a surgery since that is the age at which our lenses begin to harden and can no longer be shaped by our ciliary muscles.

Visual perception is not a passive mechanism, our eyes 'explore' the visual field through quick movements and readjustments and this process inherently locks together the proprioceptive signals from the ciliary and ocular muscles to the stream of information from the retina. By only providing screens, we can't simulate this process in a natural way and our body will detect it.

Ciliary definitions


relating to the ciliary body and associated structures of the eye


of or relating to cilia projecting from the surface of a cell

See also: ciliate cilial


of or relating to the human eyelash

See also: ciliate