Chump in a sentence as a noun

The dog will watch your every move and play you like a chump if you do the wrong thing.

Yes I do. In that case it's a little harder to turn back but I can't help but feel a little like a chump.

A lot of people here are talking about how $250,000 is 'chump change' to companies like Valve, Epic etc.

It's costing me $5000 a semester in tuition, which isn't chump change, but isn't going to bankrupt me either.

Considering the economic damage being done this is chump change.

In terms of investment in manufacturing, $100 million is chump change.

Now, understand this, I'm not talking chump change, I'm talking huge windfall in commissions, bling up the wazoo and all sorts of other free stuff.

I'm just trying to guess a number, but I think you could pull 5 percent off each trade and make a nice bit of chump change, without changing the look and feel of HN at all.

I would rather have a good CEO getting a ridiculous package than a bad one. $20 million is chump change in comparison to the difference between a large company having a good CEO vs. a bad one.

And you can get tunnel vision living in the Valley.$5M here and there is chump change in the grand scheme of things in the world that venture capitalists and large enterprises inhabit.

Turned out some chump had bent the CPU _NMI pin in the socket of the device at the manufacturer and it wasn't contacting the socket reliably so when it warmed up it started floating.

Jobs is just continuing the same tradition that started when the first monkey looked at his seed-eating chump friends, then down at the rock in his hands, and then decided "screw the nuts and berries, I'm going to go **** me a wildebeest!

Chump definitions


a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of

See also: fool gull mark patsy sucker