Chowder in a sentence as a noun

"To steal a page from John Gruber, this sounds like one to keep for claim chowder.

In a few weeks Gruber will be calling them jackasses in his claim chowder post.

Panic will give you a craptastic recipe for clam chowder in their update notes6.

It's such a common phenomena that John Gruber calls it "claim chowder".

Lots of places along the east coast have their own very distinct variety of clam chowder, etc.

When "Apple competitor" rejects an idea before embracing it then that's claim chowder.

Then that would be "collateral damage" which is such a lovely euphemism for "we blew a bunch of innocent civilians to chowder but hey we are the good guys".

>Siri will flop,Claim chowder.> the speed is a non-issue for the majority of iPhone ownersEmm, the speed enables better apps, especially better games.

I don't think we need fewer Grubers, or that Gruber should branch out and start serving claim chowder to the people who bash Microsoft, I think we need more Grubers calling these people out across the entire industry.

There are weeks on end that are nothing but "claim chowder" articles and harrumphing about dumb analysis by other people, which can be justified sometimes but it seems like he could be doing so much more.

Locals may not eat them, but the Boudin Bakery at the Fisherman's Wharf has the best sourdough bread I've ever had in my life and their bread bowl with clam chowder is something that everyone should try at least once!

Gruber is going to have to set aside about a month's worth of updates to get through all the claim chowder from the people who gave the Galaxy Note **** for being 'hilariously' or 'ridiculously' or 'stupidly' large.

Chowder definitions


a thick soup or stew made with milk and bacon and onions and potatoes