Choreography in a sentence as a noun

And Jackie Chan did all this plus acting, choreography, and stuntwork.

Kata is a choreography of martial arts movements.

And I thought quite a bit about the technicalities of how those Surface commercials would have been shot as the choreography etc.

Getting to that point of consumption though is a choreography of processes that has no "right way" and is more complex than the average consumer wants or needs to know.

If the Stones had spent as much time obsessing over choreography of their Youtube videos in their early days as they did just playing gigs, would they have ended up as the Stones?

There's a relatively recent CPU putting down images, playing back video, doing some light/sound choreography, and maybe doing some mechanical motion on some games.

Rihanna: Advanced sound engineering, post-productiony stuff, dancers, choreography, professional songwriters, etc., etc. Yet the CDs cost the same.

The task is complicated, since it asks for a constant choreography of the mind needing to remember to be mindful of what the body eats in a situation that is clouded by suppressed feelings regarding food.

[1] Kick the backend :: upward tilted lift, center : ~back wheels.\n Quickly slow the frontend :: upward tilted lift, center : ~front wheels.\n\n[1] it requires suppleness in choreography, that's why any kid can do it, they're swift; the window of execution for both steps are very tiny.

Project Z: Contact 10 choreography bloggers to see if they're interested in cross-promotionA to-do list like this would communicate to me that this service is developed by people who've studied GTD principles carefully and have something new to offer here.

‘It’s\nall that cancelling’, she said to me, ‘I could just never get the hang of\ncancelling.’ She was an elegant and highly intelligent woman, and there is\nno doubt in my mind that the mental qualities that are required in\ncomprehending the sophisticated choreography that is central to ballet\nare in no way inferior to those which must be brought to bear on a\nmathematical problem.

Choreography definitions


a show involving artistic dancing


the representation of dancing by symbols as music is represented by notes


a notation used by choreographers