Chord in a sentence as a noun

What I'd like to see is a plot of the number of chords used in a song versus time.

Whether this chair was for Steve or not, it felt very symbolic/struck a chord with me.

You can bend the pitch of all the notes currently sounding, but not one note out of a chord.

Since this is tonal music, it obviously includes the I chord.

I think Larry Tesler might have struck some kind of chord in Bezos when he said his mom couldn't use the goddamn website.

If they don't strike the right chord when the product is released, then any money invested in production is lost.

Chord in a sentence as a verb

The II and III chords aren't strictly in the key of the rest of the song, although they still blend well with the in-key chords.

The idea of getting e-mails from Google strikes a chord with many people in a way that the idea of getting bank records from banks doesn't.

> But his insight immediately struck a chord because at the time it was extremely painful developing services for mobile devices.

It's also easy to switch between the first C, Am, and G chord, you can even do it quickly and repeatedly while drunk as you can imagine many pop songs are written.

Then by the present day you have a disturbing trend of one-chord or even no-chord music; apart from rap [which contains no singing but seems to have got simpler even in the backing tracks over the years] we now find that even sung songs are completely lacking in harmony or chord progression.

Chord definitions


a straight line connecting two points on a curve


a combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously when sounded together


play chords on (a string instrument)


bring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing

See also: harmonize harmonise