Chock in a sentence as a noun

This is the second time I've seen "chock it up" instead of "chalk it up" in the last 2 days.

Not much gives you more leverage than an big audience that's chock full of influencers.

Every empty space inside the printers was chock full of roach bodies.

I ended up studying my mistakes and history is chock full of people abandoning the N:M model.

Chock in a sentence as a verb

It's hard to relate to the excitement when the demo was chock-full of usability failure.

That article is a bizarre caricature, chock-full of misleading half-truths.

A surprisingly well-written tech article for a source like CNN: clear to non-technical people, and yet not chock full of gross inaccuracies.

The company chock full of 10,000+ people who believe or have internalized these values to some extent, whether you believe they are deluded cultists, or naive, that's how folks feel.

Chock in a sentence as an adverb

Worst of all, I had a YouTube channel chock full of rap videos I made about my favorite stocks...Then what the **** are you doing working at a call center?Call center workers have one job: to read from the script.

Gosh, perhaps I should just tickle myself!At the abstract level, I find it a bit depressing that the blogosphere seems to be chock full of people who regurgitate common knowledge and attempt to present it as something new.

The House Judiciary supporters list is chock-full of lawyers -- one-seventh of the list has the string 'LLP' -- and therein lies a major target of opportunity for the technology industry.

The up-to-date textbooks were chock-full of politically correct pictures of minority students doing math in wheelchairs by typing equations into their latest-gen $200 Texas Instruments graphing calculators.

Chock definitions


a block of wood used to prevent the sliding or rolling of a heavy object

See also: wedge


secure with chocks


support on chocks; "chock the boat"


as completely as possible; "it was chock-a-block full"

See also: chock-a-block