Chine in a sentence as a noun

My point here really is, you want money to continue to chine in, right?

He's credited on the chine nual[0], he wrote bit-twiddling hacks, he published an AI paper with Sussman, etc.

Chine in a sentence as a verb

Only reading the title I thought it would be a discussing about fake eggs in chine being a hoax [1]But anyways, this is just more confirmation these jargons in labels mean almost anything useful for the general public.

Proper Noun Examples for Chine

And if we all stop buying "Made in Chine" I seriuosly doubt that condition for chines people will improve.

Right this points out one of the differences between the two. Google has instant results that appear while you type so when I wanted Chinese food I started typing and just stopped when Google results appeared relevant which was actually at "chine" but momentum carried me to the end of the word.

Chine definitions


cut of meat or fish including at least part of the backbone


backbone of an animal


cut through the backbone of an animal