Chinchilla in a sentence as a noun

She'll ask you how Doja and Steve the chinchilla are doing.

If you are smart, you will also use the standard cover with an animal on it, such as a chinchilla.

Others have tried to pull this stunt with warehouse receipts, chinchillas, minks, diamonds, bullion, pay phones, and condos.

Prior to 1986 it seemed like everyone you knew had a money-losing chinchilla farm or something they could write off.

Google Snippet: To make one fur coat, it takes 150-300 chinchillas, 200-250 squirrels, 50-60 minks, or 15-40 foxes, depending on the animals' subspecies.

I found a shark verse, contained deep within was a jungle that housed the following many animals, including two chinchillas and a triceratops.

But then I went to meet a friend of mine, a PhD candidate, in the lab, he was literally eating a sandwich, talking to me, while operating on auditory system of a chinchilla.

They are also used as a calcium supplement for animals:"Today, cuttlebones are commonly used as calcium-rich dietary supplements for caged birds, chinchillas, hermit crabs, reptiles, shrimp, and snails.

Chinchilla definitions


the expensive silvery grey fur of the chinchilla


a thick twilled fabric of wool and cotton


small rodent with soft pearly grey fur; native to the Andes but bred in captivity for fur