Chime in a sentence as a noun

Other people constantly chime in and say, "But I don't have that problem!

I hope a lawyer with some knowledge in this area can chime in to answer that question.

And scientists are going to chime in, and universities, and people always forget the global reactions.

If we were on reddit, I'd chime in with a Schwarzenegger quote and it would cascade into an Arnold quote thread, we'd all have a laugh and move on with our lives.

Chime in a sentence as a verb

You don't know anything about the law, but you felt you had to chime in, huh?>Apple can't get back lost sales and revenueUnless Samsung was, you know, required to write them a check.

"Oh but we don't deliberate target civilians, we are an exception, not like those other terrorists, these are all accidents" everyone would chime in.

Each time somebody protests some injustice or evil happening somewhere, some people couldn't find anything better to do but chime in with "why you protest X but not Y?

I wrote the tweets featured in the article and thought I'd chime in with a few more thoughts...I think flat design is inclusive design, that is, it's not hoity-toity, impossible-to-execute, beautifully 3D-rendered and textured expensive design.

Chime definitions


a percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned bells that are struck with a hammer; used as an orchestral instrument

See also: bell gong


emit a sound; "bells and gongs chimed"