Cheerfulness in a sentence as a noun

It's a great experience, for sure, but I think the point is the toll feigned cheerfulness can take over the long term.

It's so easily masked with cheerfulness and parties.

You do want to express yourself, don't you?-- Office Space, 1999I can almost feel the soul leeching sensation behind the forced cheerfulness.

Your cheerfulness is refreshing, but please don't take HN threads further on generic ideological tangents.

It isn't that linkbaity, because "nearly almost" is clearly self-deprecating, and it won't hurt the front page to let the author's cheerfulness through.

I don't know that the meditation would slow down dementia, but I could hopefully cultivate mindfulness and cheerfulness, lest I become more and more frustrated at the world as I begin to lose comprehension of it. Also, some good ***** would be nice too.

But the point is not even that - the point is the cheerfulness with which people meet the proposition of quelling of the religious dissent is positively frightening.

There was a double-blind study which showed very significant improvements in healthy college students' self-reported cheerfulness when they took >=400 IU of vitamin D in the winter.

I found it pretty funny that he said Match is "dying" in that article:When he does engage in conversation, Frind can be disarmingly frank, delivering vitriolic quips with a self-assured cheerfulness that feels almost mean.

From Wikipedia: "Its closest equivalent is the word "coziness"; however, [...] Gemütlichkeit connotes the notion of belonging, social acceptance, cheerfulness, the absence of anything hectic and the opportunity to spend quality time.

It begets cheerfulness and activity and alacrity and a lively enjoyment of every social and sensual pleasure: And during this state of mind, men have little leisure or inclination to think of the unknown invisible regions.

It's such an improvement over the other donor -> recipient charity which _don't_ fix dependency that the anonymization and cheerfulness of the exchange doesn't even matter: fixing the core problem permanently is a higher goal by kind, not just degree.

The expenses connected with daily meditation, with the building-up of mental habits, with the practice of self-control and of cheerfulness, with the enthronement of reason over the rabble of primeval instincts--these expenses are really, you know, trifling.

On his face flourished the cheerfulness of a knowledge, which is no longer opposed by any will, which knows perfection, which is in agreement with the flow of events, with the current of life, full of sympathy for the pain of others, full of sympathy for the pleasure of others, devoted to the flow, belonging to the oneness.-Herman Hesse, “Siddhartha”

Cheerfulness definitions


the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom; "flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room"

See also: cheer sunniness sunshine


a feeling of spontaneous good spirits; "his cheerfulness made everyone feel better"

See also: blitheness