Cheeky in a sentence as an adjective

Yes and the cheeky buggers what to be paid as well!

And avoid the temptation to get cute or cheeky.

The game stands alone, you don't need to sell us on how high-larious and cheeky you can be.

The response by these groups is always a cheeky "oh hey, it's not us, we don't encourage that!

Being bold and maybe even cheeky is one thing, but only the weak seek outright dominance.

I think that might just be in the USA, or at least we don't have this in the UK. It seems to me quite cheeky to charge the recipient also; you wouldn't charge someone to receive a letter.

This may be the most brilliant, cheeky, inventive and yet incisive piece of journalism I've come across in recent times.

On the other hand, you can get away with a lot of things just by fluttering your eyelashes and being a bit cheeky, which is a habit that is so easy to get into.

Two sentence mission statements, ominous screenshots, and cheeky feature lists only go so far --- in this case I appreciate the straightforward mission statement.

The constant whiny poo-pooing that "they won't really get that much," and cheeky linking to blog posts intended to inform the uninformed masses about the federal sentencing guidelines, is nothing more than noise.

This leads to a few recruiter emails per week, and almost all of them I reply to with a cheeky way of saying that I'm not going to move[1].One company to date has said that not-relocating my entire life is OK with them.

Instead of an intense debate about which language is the best for thing X, or being forced to learn language Y, they get an overview of the entire history, with some cheeky humor that they can remember when they find a bit of truth, or a bit of false, in this story.

Cheeky definitions


offensively bold; "a brash newcomer disputed the age-old rules for admission to the club"; "a nervy thing to say"

See also: brash nervy