Cheapjack in a sentence as a noun

Among the shallowest of cheapjack Silicon Valley slogans. But certainly revealing of its ethos.

And get this: there is no real way to even evaluate or even remotely guesstimate the worth of this business, because as I said right now it's just a plan in someone's head, a shoddy website and cheapjack PPT with nothing really fleshed out. What's the deal with this nominee stake thing?

Cheapjack in a sentence as an adjective

It appeared to be, and maybe should have been, a cheapjack gizmo swaddled in marketing glitz to justify its ridiculous price. But someone did a teardown and discovered that it actually did contain a very expensive, precision-engineered, completely unnecessary two-ton press.

Cheapjack definitions


a peddler of inferior goods


cheap and shoddy; "cheapjack moviemaking...that feeds on the low taste of the mob"- Judith Crist

See also: shoddy tawdry