Chaste in a sentence as an adjective

Rape, when I was learning these things, was the violation of a chaste woman.

The generally chaste girls are the same way, they still go for the strong guy over the "nice" guy.

Sexual and sexist are only the same if you believe women are chaste, which is horrendously sexist.

It seems like you'd either have to be chaste, or else have a very odd relationship with your significant other.

I've known plenty of people of both genders who aren't exactly chaste, and I wouldn't consider them low quality people.

Wherever you are and whatever chaste you're in, if you can sell your potential for paying a bank back, they can create money out of debt for you.

Being free of a lot of oversized taxes, unnecessary legislation and the feeling of porwerlessness against a social chaste called "those at Brussels.

The high rates extend even to women born in the 1940s, challenging perceptions that people were more chaste in the past.“This is reality-check research,” said the study’s author, Lawrence Finer.

For the Victorians, blue was for girls and pink was for boys, and all women had the potential to become insatiable, incurable beasts for sex, one reason it was so important to keep chaste.

However, if you are trying to remain chaste by avoiding pre-marital sex & masturbation, it is not difficult to see how sexually explicit images make that difficult.

It seems paradoxical, but promiscuous women almost always have this subconscious distaste for sex, while relatively chaste women often have only a trace of it.

What I found interesting is how different it is from the idealized picture of a chaste moral past a lot of people would like to believe in, and how different societies can treat the process of sexualization.

Yet dearly I love you, and would be loved fain, But am betroth'd unto your enemy: Divorce me, untie, or break that knot again, Take me to you, imprison me, for I, Except you enthrall me, never shall be free, Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.

When we tell women that the threats and attacks they experience are their own fault, for failing to be sufficiently chaste or failing to take "responsible" precautions, we are telling them that they are on their own: that they cannot rely on society's protection against those crimes.

Bless you, because it was while trying to figure out if I agreed with you that I looked up "sarcasm" in Wikipedia and found this awesome quote:Fyodor Dostoyevsky, on the other hand, recognized in it a cry of pain: Sarcasm, he said, was "usually the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded."Beautiful.

Chaste definitions


morally pure (especially not having experienced sexual intercourse); "a holy woman innocent and chaste"


pure and simple in design or style; "a chaste border of conventionalized flowers"


abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse