Cessation in a sentence as a noun

I've never seen a more successful smoking cessation tool.

Nitpick: They didn't break the vow, they satisfied the conditions for its cessation, so it ended.

How about cessation of belly aching and movement toward a change in the product and retail model?

I really doubt people would be terribly enthusiastic about how the system functions in the midst of a cessation of service.

Suppose I were to break into your house, steal one item, and soil the rug each day, every day, evading all determined efforts to stop me; yet you still kept going to work, paying your taxes, and so on. Could you prove that the cessation of my bad actions would not throw your participation in society into a tailspin?

However it seems to me crypto currencies should have a sharp line, because as I understand it, the process of block mining serves as a heartbeat; the cessation of the heartbeat should serve as such a line.

Well, thats a nice get-out-of-jail-free card for those manufacturers, isnt it?Im sorry, but if you want to claim that something is a smoking cessation device you better back it up with solid evidence.

'The present study showed that ginger at a dose of 1,000 mg effectively reduced the severity of nausea evoked by circular vection, prolonging latency before the onset of nausea and shortening the recovery time from nausea after the cessation of vection.

Translator comments are placed in square brackets... > Simulation experiments based on Wozniak's model of learning show that a student who stops repetitions after a 5-year-long work with SuperMemo is likely to forget 60% of the learned material in the first year after the cessation!

I can't engage in certain activities lest I risk terminal disconnection of electromechanical components ... but installation of those same components prevented early cessation of the wholly 100% human configuration, and at least once since have, by happenstance, made the difference between racing to the ER by ambulance vs. walking in at my convenience and tolerating pre-surgery delays.

Let him therein see an infinity of universes of which each has its firmament, its planets, its earth, in the same proportion as in the visible world; in each earth animals, and at the last the mites, in which he will come upon all that was in the first, and still find in these others the same without end and without cessation; let him lose himself in wonders as astonishing in their minuteness as the others in their immensity; for who will not be amazed at seeing that our body, which before was imperceptible in the universe, itself imperceptible in the bosom of the whole, is now a colossus, a world, a whole, in regard to the nothingness to which we cannot attain.

Cessation definitions


a stopping; "a cessation of the thunder"

See also: surcease