Cereal in a sentence as a noun

And that's ok because they did a few cereal packets once?

They think we're all awful people, that we praise Satan with our morning cereal.

AOL will spend more on worker time reading and joking about this article than they did on the cereal and ramen he ate.

We provide coffee, tea, pancake mix, cereal, soymilk, and all the fresh fruits and vegetables you can find in our garden.

Dairy products, cereal grains, legumes, refined sugars and processed foods were not part of our ancestral menu.

Running a little bit faster still doesn't absolve you vigilante laws, but it can get you a Gold medal and some cereal advertising deals.

Cereal in a sentence as an adjective

Right now it is damn near impossible to determine if eating eggs and bacon for breakfast is more likely to drive over eating vs cereal.

Also, I find it amusing that the authors imagined live-in robots and yet can think of little better use to put them to than pouring a bowl of cereal in the morning.

You get almost none from vegetables, and vegans are basically all ipso facto suffering from B12 deficiency unless they take supplements or eat enriched cereal -- but most of them are quite healthy and see no problems from it.

Not so much any more, I should quit it!- I'm past hammers - electric drill with screws can do 90% of it does and for the 10% it does not I should really re-assess whether I'm doing the right thing in the first place.- I tried to make a cereal with a hammer this morning, but it did not work!

Airbnb, who Dave uses as an example of a billionaire startup club member, is the definition of an underdog making the big time through pure hustle -- I seem to recall a story about selling cereal boxes to make ends meet before funding started to pour in post incubation

Cereal definitions


grass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat; rice; rye; oats; maize; buckwheat; millet


foodstuff prepared from the starchy grains of cereal grasses

See also: grain


a breakfast food prepared from grain


made of grain or relating to grain or the plants that produce it; "a cereal beverage"; "cereal grasses"