Centrist in a sentence as a noun

Clinton was a centrist, far from socialist politician.

The idea that Americans are crying out for some kind of radical centrist is much cherished by technocrats, but is completely false.

While centrist Republicans might vote for him just because he is GOP, his extreme views turn the independents and undecideds off and that's who you need to win an election.

Centrist in a sentence as an adjective

The reason many people liked RT is that it brought more independent and centrist views on the news with regards to world news, but many disliked that it had an obviously pro russian bias in russian news.

I have to imagine a fiscally conservative-leaning party would have a lot easier time capturing the votes of centrist Democrats if they were pro-choice, pro-science, pro-education, pro-alternative energy, etc.

Regulating the internet under Title II would invoke a firestorm of criticism from conservatives as well as centrist-liberals who see it as inconsistent with how regulatory agencies should operate in the modern era.

Centrist definitions


a person who takes a position in the political center

See also: moderate moderationist


supporting or pursuing a course of action that is neither liberal nor conservative

See also: middle-of-the-road