Caviler in a sentence as a noun

I really think if you had one of the rough times on the H-1B, you wouldn't be so caviler.

The problem to me is often their caviler use as torture devices to force compliance.

I don't think facebook is evil, though I know some people do, I just think they have a more caviler attitude towards privacy than I'd like.

Never mind the fact that you set a bad example for newbies, being so caviler with your own safety harms the security of the rest of us. Downloading and executing random software off the Internet---the raison d'ĂȘtre of modern web browsers---is a good way to get owned.

Any family that might engage in a business/passion idea with a caviler attitude could be taking your familiarity for a ride that you don't want to go on.

You could put some of the 'people in charge' in jail.. then the company would not be harmed, but the leadership in the future would hesitate to be so caviler.. it would give you the 'reform' part of punish and reform that is supposed to happen in the justice system..

One might more broadly correlate it with caviler way colleges and universities let students take on massive debt with all too often little chance of repaying it in a reasonable amount of time, the massive bloat of administrators, and how the latter are wresting more control from the faculty ... too many of these institutions just aren't all that serious about undergraduate education.

Caviler definitions


a disputant who quibbles; someone who raises annoying petty objections

See also: quibbler caviller pettifogger