Castle in a sentence as a noun

A haughty princess wanted to leave her pristine castle and explore the world. But she found the world very dusty.

Most sites I use let me reset my password by email, so this is like handing over the keys to the castle.

We went to Hearst castle and the reverence which the guides and the people on the tour paid to the ghost and myth of Hearst was unnerving. Explains a lot about how wall st gets away with stuff though.

You might be mad at the guy who lived in the nearby castle, but there were only so many villagers you could round up. And some of those liked the guy, some didn't want trouble, some didn't like your plan, etc.

It had tradeoffs tho, apartment was next to castle of Versailles so lots of nature near. If you are single and there are outside areas to escape to, small living was ok for me at least.

I am baffled as to why you'd build your castle atop a crumbling foundation. I have wondered why FB didn't use a proper language with proper typing to begin with.

Castle in a sentence as a verb

> I am baffled as to why you'd build your castle atop a crumbling foundation. > I have wondered why FB didn't use a proper language with proper typing to begin with.

Heh. Have fun storming that castle. Clojure was a whole different story, and addressed these issues admirably, for all the reasons youll discover when you look into it further."

They spend hours building a sand castle. They wail as the tide claims it, feeling the sting of failure. Do you agree, telling them that they screwed up in their construction? I say no. The error isn't in the building, it's in expecting the castle to last through high tide.

"I am baffled as to why you'd build your castle atop a crumbling foundation." Congratulations for admitting your ignorance, and lending open ears to experts as to why they made certain engineering decisions.

Even the most secure cryptosystems are worthless if you can convince a small subset of users to hand you their keys to the castle. Obviously email today is pretty terrible and should be treated like a postcard, but it's the principle that I'm getting upset about.

They're sitting comfortably in their search advertising castle, and playing guerrilla warfare everywhere else. Google is attacking Apple/Facebook/Microsoft with free products, and is betting their entire company that they will win by attrition, or that their search revenue will continue to fund their efforts.

Castle definitions


a large and stately mansion

See also: palace


a large building formerly occupied by a ruler and fortified against attack


(chess) the piece that can move any number of unoccupied squares in a direction parallel to the sides of the chessboard

See also: rook


interchanging the positions of the king and a rook

See also: castling


move the king two squares toward a rook and in the same move the rook to the square next past the king