Cask in a sentence as a noun

They remove the bone cask a week before it is fully healed?

> I have to go to websites to get the installers for most big programsThere's "brew cask" for that!

The whisky is already diluted at bottling time, unless it's "cask strength".

Some like Stewart Brand went so far as arguing for placing nuclear waste in dry cask storage into nature preserves.

Hah, I was going to ask if they planned to add a formula to homebrew-cask so that I could use it to install Cakebrew.

Bourbons sold cask-strength are sold that way in part because it allows the distiller's customers to buy less water and more booze.

Specifically, what's called an American Light Whiskey; Distilled almost to the point of vodka before being casked.

> What is the difference between the cask installation suggested in the link and the cask installation procedure suggested on the cask home page?Two differences.

With the cancellation of Yucca Mountain, the current "interim" long-term storage plan is basically on-site dry cask storage scattered everywhere.

Cask definitions


the quantity a cask will hold

See also: caskful


a cylindrical container that holds liquids

See also: barrel