Caries in a sentence as a noun

I don't know but maybe get rid of Karma that caries over from article to article.

And impression, even an irrational one, caries a great weight.

No studies reported the effectiveness of flossing plus toothbrushing for preventing dental caries.

With one innocuous affordable purchase you can deforest and pollute four continents whilst giving yourself diabetes and dental caries!!

>Flexibility and eagerness to take on challenges and learnYou are right in principle, but to you these things mean "compromising on what I want to do to please the corp", Eagerness means "I don't care whether I do something that I want, I will be happy to do whether they will let me", learning means "Accepting the decree I am given as the right thing".All of these are horrible, grotesque deformations which caries just enough of the original truth to work as sound-bites but will wreak the life of those who labor under them.

Caries definitions


soft decayed area in a tooth; progressive decay can lead to the death of a tooth

See also: cavity